The ArcheryGB Progress Awards provide Juniors and Adult Beginners with awards for developing their archery skills both indoors and outdoors.

There are five badge levels achievable, in the order of the target ring colours, from White to Gold.

Qualifying scores for Juniors can be shot indoors or outdoors, at a variety of imperial and metric distances on various target sizes (as shown on the tables below).  Adult Beginners are simply required to obtain a Recurve score on a 122cm face at 20 yards (with 5-zone scoring).

The Rules

  • The archer must shoot 36 arrows in ends of 6 arrows.  This can be the first 36 arrows of a longer round.
  • A maximum of 12 arrows warm-up is allowed per session.
  • Scores must be signed, dated and witnessed. Score sheets for this purpose can be downloaded below.
  • Score requirements per award level vary according to Bowstyle, Age, Gender, Face Size and Distance.  The score tables can be downloaded below.
  • A badge colour can only be claimed once, irrespective of age group or bowstyle.  Missed colours may be claimed when a junior moves up an age group.
  • The Junior Gold award can only be achieved at distances of over 60 metres or yards.
  • Adult Beginners can only obtain a qualifying score with a recurve bow at 20 yards on 122cm face with 5-zone scoring.  The required scores can be downloaded below.
  • Badges achieved by Juniors will be awarded by the club free-of-charge
  • Badges for Adult beginners are available at a cost of £2 per badge


Score Tables

The score tables can seem a little confusing at first, but just follow these steps and it is actually quite easy to work out:

  • Download the appropriate table below for your bow-style
  • As an example we will check a score of 225 for a 13-year old Junior Lady, shooting a Recurve bow, at 30 yards, on a 122cm target face, with 5-zone scoring.
  • From the left hand side of the Recurve table – find the row for the correct face-size, scoring and distance.
  • Along the top – find the columns for the Junior’s age band.  Find the scores where the row and columns intersect.
  • JL = Junior Lady, JG = Junior Gent.
  • You should find that the Junior Lady would qualify for a BLUE Progress Badge.






Score Sheets
